[01 Oct 2013|11:00pm]
information about celeb

1.JOINING: the requirements to join CELEB are fairly simple. all we're looking for is a username that is any variation of the name of the celebrity you're choosing to play (initials, partial name, stage names are ok), an icon of them uploaded, and both a friends only post and a screened post available. aim screen names are not mandatory, but are encouraged in order to form stronger bonds with other members. we also require examples of at least two entries! scene examples are optional, which can either be in a locked post in your journal or posted in our screened post. IMPORTANT: upon applying please make sure anons are disabled on your journal, and once you have been accepted into the community set your journal so only community members can comment you!

2.'CELEBRITY' REQUIREMENTS: we must be able to google your celebrity and see that they have some form of an imdb or wiki page to show us they do something. for models: they must be signed to an agency or have some form of credible modeling!

3.UPDATES: at celeb updates are required every three weeks and are the most important way of showing activity. the minimum number of words is 200, but you are free to go well beyond that limit, and the word count only applies to original content (not quotes from books or lyrics). we also allow picture updates with hover words as long as they count to 200! the only placeholders that are allowed are by way of update passes, which you can earn by accumulating activity points. your updates must be friends-locked, but viewable to the entire community, and we must see activity from you within your posts! that means you should be responding to comments. if you do not comment back to ANY comments on your update, you will be eligible for override! NOTES: if you are due for an update and you do not post it before we do adds/removals at 8pm EST, your update will not count and you will have to reapply. your first update is not allowed to be a pass! this has always been a rule, but putting it in writing is always better for everyone to see. you can not use update passes back to back, nor can you use an update pass after being the mixtape host!

4.HIATUSES & EXTENSIONS: even though we are offering a pretty lenient three week update limit, we understand that sometimes life gets busy and things get in the way of rp. real life always comes first! because we would prefer to see our members stick around, we're happy to give you an extension on your update requirement as long as you request one. extensions are unlimited. you should give us a date you think you'll be able to update. no reason is needed unless you want to provide one. please do not abuse this, though. we will become strict if we notice a pattern. if you apply for hiatus, all you need do is tell us when you plan on getting back. if you request one that is longer than three weeks, please let us know why! while you're on hiatus, there must be no public activity from you at all or you will be considered as returned from hiatus and an active member, which could lead to override or removal. once again, don't abuse this!

5.OVERRIDING A CURRENT MEMBER: if you have just joined celeb, you have four days from the night you were added to post your intro to ENTRY. for example: if you were added on monday night you will have until friday night to intro or you will be available for override during the next round of adds. if you were added wednesday night you have until sunday night to intro and if you were added on friday you have until tuesday to intro or you will be up for overrides on wednesday. already existing members, you are required to update once every three weeks per the update rules or you will be available for override. if you ever have any questions about whether a specific member is able to be overridden, please feel free to ask us and we'll be happy to let you know! because of the issue regarding rolehogs in communities we're hoping this allows people to get involved in the community and will weed out the deadweight of members who have been doa or inactive. because aim is optional we do not include being logged onto aim as a form of activity, but we do include running the button as a sign of life; if your friends list is two weeks or more out of date you put yourself at risk for override. since some people seem to be confused as how all this works, when we look at who can be overridden, we go by if your friends list is updated, if you comment and/or post around on the friends page, if you only use customs posting or commenting around helps since we can not see how active your customs are! if someone is trying to override you and you update after or ask for an extension after we don't find this very fair. of course we look at activity as a whole when looking everything over! if you seem to be confused still, feel free to drop us a comment. note: please do not hide your userinfo so member can see if someone is overridable or not, also we has mods need to see if you have an updated friends list. if your friends list is hidden while applying, we will reject you. if you hide your userinfo after joining it is grounds for an override

6.ACTIVITIES: because these are changing all the time it's best to check out FRIENDLY, but we do have question and free for all posts once a month on the first tuesday at this time! this is subject to change, any changes we let the community know about.

7.PLAGIARISM: if you update with material that is not written by you and is not properly credited to its source, we will consider it plagiarism and you will be removed without question or warning. if you see someone posting with material that you can prove does not belong to them, please contact us immediately.

8.HARASSMENT: here at celeb, we have a no tolerance policy for the harassment of our members. we want to provide a safe environment for everyone to interact and have fun! if you are being harassed ic or ooc by another member, do not hesitate to contact us in our members area dropbox or by pm. you must contact us with your member journal and not an anonymous one. once we've reviewed the situation, we will make a decision on whether or not there is action we can take as mods to resolve the issues you're having! even if you're not sure if it's harassment and someone is doing something that makes you uncomfortable, or you need help with anything, we are always here to do our best to help you! if you're being bothered by anonymous commenters in your journal, go to your comment settings and enable commenting from registered users only.